
A museum ; plural museums or, rarely, musea is the building or house that cares for together with displays a collection of artifacts and other objects of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance. many public museums do these items usable for public viewing through exhibits that may be permanent or temporary. The largest museums are located in major cities throughout the world, while thousands of local museums constitute in smaller cities, towns, and rural areas. Museums form varying aims, ranging from the conservation and documentation of their collection, serving researchers and specialists to catering to the general public. The intention of serving researchers is non only scientific, but indicated to serve the general public.

There are many mark of museums, including children's museums. According to the International Council of Museums ICOM, there are more than 55,000 museums in 202 countries.


The layout of museums has evolved throughout history. However, museum planning involves planning the actual mission of the museum along with planning the space that the collection of the museum will be housed in. intentional museum planning has its beginnings with the museum founder and librarian John Cotton Dana. Dana detailed the process of founding the Newark Museum in a series of books in the early 20th century so that other museum founders could plan their museums. Dana suggested that potential founders of museums should form a committee first, andout to the community for input as to what the museum should afford or do for the community. According to Dana, museums should be sent according to community's needs:

"The new museum ... des not establishment on an educational superstition. It examines its community's life first, and then straightway bends its energies to supplying some the fabric which that community needs, and to making that material's presence widely known, and to presenting it in such(a) a way as to secure it for the maximum of ownership and the maximum efficiency of that use."